BioInformatics Conference

csc un691cs at genius.embnet.dkfz-heidelberg.de
Fri Mar 10 05:34:16 EST 2000

The German Conference on Bioinformatics is an international
annual conference on Computational Biosciences. It covers computational
molecular biology and adjoining fields and will take place in Heidelberg
from October 5 to 7, 2000.
GCB will feature invited talks, selected full talks, selected short talks,
poster sessions and an industrial fair.
International participants are particularly welcome. The conference
language is English.
HOMEPAGE of GCB 2000: http://www.eml.org/gcb00/
This year the focus will be on the following subjects:
* Structures, Docking and Folding
* Biopolymer and Genome Analysis
* Molecular Evolution and Theoretical Biology
* Computation of Biochemical Pathways   
* Acquiring and Managing Biological Data
Keynote speakers so far are:
* Thomas Lengauer  
* Christos Ouzounis
* Monica Riley  
* Peter Schuster
Please inform your colleagues about this meeting. We would like
it to be even more successful than past GCB meetings.
HOMEPAGE of GCB 2000: http://www.eml.org/gcb00/
Kind regards,                               Clemens Suter-Crazzolara, PhD
 - Genius -         German Cancer Research Center DKFZ           European
 The German         Dept. Molecular Biophysics (H0200)               Data
 EMBnet             INF 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany           Resource
 node               phone ++49 6221-4223-42    fax -33              (EDR)
* The Biocomputing Service Group:      http://genome.dkfz-heidelberg.de *

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