Cuban child Elian needs your Urgent help! Thanks in advance!

arron kcchin at pacific.net.sg
Thu Mar 9 10:05:51 EST 2000

> Inter-American Freedom Network wrote:
> Cuban child Elián González needs your Urgent help!
> President at whitehouse.gov,FirstLady at whitehouse.gov,Vice.President at whitehouse.gov,MrsGore at whitehouse.gov,web at usdoj.gov,Press_Release at writeme.com
> Dear Inter-American Colleague,
> Be sure this is a unique message that we'll send you. If you agree with the
> following text, please, clic in the link above, copy the text & send the
> message to President Clinton!
> If you don't agree, anyway, you are invited to give your opinion!
> Thanks in advance!
> Sincerely yours,
> Inter-American Freedom Network
> ------------------
> In Communist Cuba, the jail island, according to the Constitution, it is
> not the parents that have parental rights (or "patria potestas") as it is
> known in civil law countries.  Parental rights are exercised by the Communist
> state, that denies the legitimate right of parents to give their children the
> education that they deem adequate.

The retaining in USA of child Elian by some individuals, seems to people here in
SE Asia more as a punishment of Fidel, than for the interest of the child Elian.
What ever the System Cuba may have, and whatever they may advocate, the place of
the child should still be with its parent, and in this case the father.
For (some)citizens of USA to say that as the Cuban law deprive the child of its
parent's right, and therefore they (these few USA citizens)have the right to
deprive the child of same seems very queer form of logic.

> To send little Elian back to Cuba is not to deliver him to his father and
> family but to the implacable Communist regime that will not only take
> possession of his body but also of his soul, as it has done with entire
> generations of young men, women and children in that unfortunate country.

Presendent Ragan and Americans then have the sence of being magnanimous  to the
communists and brought about the peaceful downing of the berlin wall and the
iron curtain..so why not on the cigar barrier? Old Castro the problem?

> By this reason, we express our most vehement protest, before God and History,

Do leave the good GOD out of this partisan affair!.

> Please, it's urgent! Send your message to President Clinton!
(to the President:)
Yes, Mr President Clinton, Do send the poor child back to his father, and to his
homeland, be it poor, or rich like the US of A
Let him to be an emmersary of good will and forgiveness. (Mendala have shown the
way), let us have peace on earth. (and not vengence on some acts of days
 Cuban child Elián González needs your Urgent help!

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