Cold Spring Harbor Course
Advanced Bacterial Genetics
June 7 - 27, 2000
Application Deadline March 15, 00
Bonnie Bassler, Princeton University
Colin Manoil, University of Washington, Seattle
James Slauch, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana
The laboratory course will present logic and methods used in the genetic
dissection of complex biological processes in bacteria. The methods to be
presented include: mutagenesis using transposons, mutator strains, and
chemical and physical mutagens; mapping mutations using genetic and
physical techniques; generation and analysis of gene fusions; molecular
cloning; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Southern blot analysis; epitope
insertion mutagenesis; and site-directed mutagenesis. A key component of
the course will be the use of sophisticated genetic methods in the analysis
of pathogenic and "undomesticated" bacteria. Invited lecturers will
describe the use of genetic approaches to study biological processes in a
variety of bacteria.
Apply online at