Help: Book Recommendation

Nick Theodorakis nicholas_theodorakis at urmc.rochester.edu
Thu Mar 9 09:46:33 EST 2000

In article <38c6f2df.1218857 at news.prestel.co.uk>,
  dr_hexagon at yahoo.com wrote:
> I am looking for a basic book on molecular genetics.. something
> accessible to a non-specialist -- a kind of "Genetics for Dummies".
> It doesn't have to be too detailed - something which explains the core
> terminology and concepts in an easy to follow manner would be ideal.
> I have a basic knowledge of Mendelian genetics but little idea of how
> it all works at the DNA/RNA, etc, level.

There is "The Cartoon Guide to Genetics," or something like that. I can't
remember the author, but it's the same guy who did the cartoon history of
the universe books.

Ah, here it is at amazon:


The authors are Larry Gonick and Mark Wheeler.

| Nick Theodorakis                              |
| nicholas_theodorakis at urmc.rochester.edu       |

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