Help: Book Recommendation

taguebwREMOVE at wfu.edu taguebwREMOVE at wfu.edu
Thu Mar 9 07:27:51 EST 2000

How about Molecular Biology made simple and fun. David P. Clark and Lonnie
D> Russell, 1997, ISBN 0-9627422-9-5? It is basically molecular biology
for dummies!

In article <38c6f2df.1218857 at news.prestel.co.uk>, dr_hexagon at yahoo.com wrote:

> I am looking for a basic book on molecular genetics.. something
> accessible to a non-specialist -- a kind of "Genetics for Dummies".
> It doesn't have to be too detailed - something which explains the core
> terminology and concepts in an easy to follow manner would be ideal.


My 2 electrons,


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