Is education required

Colin Davidson c.davidson at biotech.cam.ac.uk
Sun Mar 5 21:03:21 EST 2000

Jusitn Hardman <990451 at hkis.edu.hk> wrote in message
news:89th0p$52g$1 at bunyip.cc.uq.edu.au...
> Hi,
> I would in interested to see what peoples opinions are on this question:
> Do you think that scientific education necessary to make decisions
> genetic engineering and cloning?
> Thanks,
> -Justin Hardman

In my opinion, that's a loaded question.   It's difficult to answer that one
yes or no.

I will go so far as to say that a far greater degree of scientific education
amongst the media would be greatly beneficial, in that the view presented in
newspapers and on television (in the UK) is often grossly ill informed.
How can we expect the man in the street to form an educated opinion wha half
of what he hears is wrong?

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