In article <kbjones-2510981056110001 at>,
kbjones at (Kevin B. Jones) wrote:
> In article <70ufs4$7mp$1 at>, "Adam & Melody Smith"
> <digginit at> wrote:
>> > Exactly. Evolution is a belief just as is Creation. Neither view is more
> > scientific. Which is more logical can be debated; is order spontaneous or
> > does it require an Organizer? Science is the observation of phenomena and
> > hypotheses based on such obsevations. Since the past can not be observed,
> > all ideas of what may have created the present are simply beliefs derived
> > from observations of current events. These ideas cannot be tested, proved,
> > or disproved, so they do not become hypotheses, or theories. The so-called
> > "Theory of Evolution" should be re-named the Religion of Evolution, since it
> > is merely a belief about what might have happened. The claim that it is more
> > scientific than Creationism is completely ludicrous.
>> Theory based on a preponderance of evidence. Physical evidence. that is
> the difference in the theory of evolution (and any other scientific
> theory) and religion, which disregards the verifiable evidence in favor of
> "faith".
>> --
> Kevin B. Jones
>> That which does not kill me only makes me stronger.
this is most interesting. this is the first time i have read this group,
yet there are posts i made to other groups already here. how can that be?
Kevin B. Jones
That which does not kill me only makes me stronger.