A Common Misconception among Evolutionists Re: Creation Science

Kamihara kamihara at erols.com
Sun Oct 25 10:07:04 EST 1998

> As for your organizer, where did this being come from?  Who or what
> created it?  And why only one?  What makes your 'theory' of a god more
> relevant then the Hindus?  Or the Native Americans?  Or any of the
> other competing versions of religious 'truth' out there?  

It's obviously the "one true" religion because the bible says it is. And
duh, the only true god is the Christian god because... well.... it just
is! Just accept it and convert! Your soul will be saved! What are you,
dense or something?

In other words, if there was an good answer to that question, we all
wouldn't be atheists.

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