All of us are constantly bombarded by people hawking "unbelievable",
"once-in-a-lifetime", "get-rich-quick" business opportunities. I graduated from
Yale, became Commissioner of Housing in New York City, started a real estate
development company, and now own an 83-year-old diamond-cutting company.
Quite bluntly, I don't waste my time even listening to the pitch.
And yet right now, I'm telling eveybody I know (and, obviously, hundreds of
people I don't know) about a pre-launch opportunity available in the distribution
of energy, internet, and telephony services that sounds just as outrageous as
all the phony talk we've heard in the past. The difference is that this is real.
And the urgency comes from the fact we can now be the first to capture our share
of trillion-dollar markets before the inevitable wave of savvy entrepreneurs piles
on. You might choose to read no further, but you will never be able to say that
you weren't there when business history was being made.
On March 6, 1998, a new business venture was announced, with a mission no less
challenging than to revolutionize the way people all over the world communicate,
play, learn, and conduct their business. Such a goal would seem unrealistic
if the partners, the capital, and the management of this venture weren't so
overwhelmingly qualified to get the job done. In this venture, you personally
can have a role potentially big enough to accomplish any financial goal you
have ever imagined. I know this sounds like hype, but it's absolutely true.
The Company is partnering with some of the most powerful corporations in technology
and telecommunications, betting their reputations on the expectation that the Company
will soon be a household name worldwide. The partners are an unprecedented collection
of the most aggressive, cutting-edge companies anywhere: INM, Worldcom, Netscape,
Cisco, Sun Microsystems, Oracle-NCI, UUNET, and NSI, the industry standard in global
networking. The Company already has a capitalization in excess of $40 million, four
years of pre-launce development, and an experienced management team recruited from
the top levels of the most successful players in the technologies industries. The Company
is truly unique: it has the huge upside potential of a ground-floor opportunity but
with the security of partners with power, experience, and immense amounts of capital.
What the Company does not have are the leaders needed to propel its growth to the
tens of billions of dollars that its state-of-the art services and rapidly growing
markets can clearly generate.
Know up front that your participation will not require start-up costs of more
than about $325 nor that you leave your current full-time job. Even so, you
will be able to participate in a very big way in the Company's master strategy,
to become a dominant force in the techologies of the future: e-commerce, Internet
services, advanced telecommunications, and energy distribution. The Company
intends to do for all services entering homes, offices, and factories what the
supermarket did to individual food shops and what the mall did to Main Street
stores. The historical trend to consolidation will inevitably apply because the
benefits will be the same: lower cost and greater convenience. This is history
in the making, and you can become a very rich player by finally being in the right
place at the right time and taking action.
The Company has developed the multi-million-dollar infrastructure to develop
and market, in conjunction with its world-class corporate partners, the most
sophisticated and often unique technology services available to the general
public. These services will be distributed only through independent
entrepreneurs who will profit not only every time a customer turnes on a light,
but, also, to an even greater extent, from their customers' use of all the other
services we will offer: internet commerce, telephony of all kinds, home
security, cable TV, and many more. I encourage you particularly to ask us
about the Company's innovative strategy for capturing a major share of the
rapidly growing global market for internet retailing. This is a market that
grew from $1 billion in 1996 to $8 billion in 1997 and is estimated by IBM to
grow to $350 billion by the year 2001. Bill Gates projects a considerably
less modest $1 trillion by the year 2001. Perhaps most exciting is the fact
that, with three or more services "bundled" together from the same provider,
studies have shown that customers are lost at a rate of less that 10% a year.
This is true residual income.
Deregulated electricity will eventually be one of the Company's key products.
By the year 2002, the $215-billion domestic electric utilities industry will
be fundamentally deregulated. That means that the out-dated, costly,
monopolistic utility providers, which we have always accepted like death
and taxes, will be forced to compete in the open market with lower-cost,
high-tech, entrepreneurial, service-oriented private companies. Consumers
will have the right to choose the source of their power and you will have
the opportunity to sell it. Obvious precedents have shown us the way.
In the 1970's, the airline industry deregulated and the resulting competition
destroyed established companies and made fortunes for others. In the 1980's,
AT&T lost its monopoly and now barely holds on to 50% of the market.
Deregulated electricity is a far bigger opportunity and one on which you can
eventually capitalize personally.
Obviously, successful companies would not participate in this venture if the
product and services to be offered were not very much in demand and competitiverly
priced. To give just one example, long-distance telephone will be offered with
no gimmicks: call any one at all, at any time, to any state; get billed at
six-second intervals; pay no monthly service fee; and see a rate as low as 8.9
cents a minute, out of which four cents goes into the compensation plan. That
compensation plan, you should know, is the most generous in the industry and
generates immediate payments and residual income from four main sources:
(1) up-front fees paid to the Distributor when customers subcribe to certain
services and buy Company products; (2) up-front bonuses paid to the Sponsor
when new Distributors complete their technology training; (3) residual
commissions paid to the Distributor as a percentage of customers' monthly
use of the Company's services; and (4) executive bonuses paid to the
Distributor on the total volume generated by his or her entire organization.
As mentioned earlier, we are not looking for investors. The Company's
majority partner is a 14-year-old, $1.4-billion, high-tech company with a
D&B 5A-1, no debt, US Olympic Committee licenses, and operations in 24
countries all over the world. It is one of only nine companies in the history
of the US that grew from start-up to one-billion dollars in sales in less than ten
years (others include Microsoft, FEDEX, Nike, and Home Depot).
Our Asian division went public on the New York Stock Exchange with
Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch as our underwriters. Most important,
the Company has established a brilliant, highly-leveraged plan for growth
that has empowered over 400 associates, working on their own schedules,
usually out of their own homes, to reach an income level that in 1996
averaged $561,000 a year, a record achieved in industries a small fraction of
the size of our future technology markets.
Please be aware that there will be many start-up companies hustling to be
players in this historic opportunity. There will be efforts by the utility and
technology dinosaurs to hang on to their markets. Be sure that your potential
in these industries isn't undermined by the failure of the insubstantial up-starts
or the collapse of the prehistoric giants.
In my role as President of a diamond-cutting company, I know the frustrations
of a capital-intensive, high-risk, low-margin, slow-growth industry. As an
Administrator in the medical community, my wife sees the deterioration in
doctors' earnings and the downsizing and closing of hospitals everywhere.
While many of the old ways of making money are gone, new opportunities
abound. Deregulated electricity, internet activities, and telephony services
are virtually limitless opportunities, structured by a genius hyper-growth
Company that is allowing me to continue my professional work full-time,
while enabling us to develop part-time a perpetual income with unlimited
potential. The leaders we are seeking for this opportunity should be
independent, open-minded, self-motivated, highly-principled entrepreneurs.
Such a profile might seem demanding, but the financial rewards can be gigantic.
Economic powerhouses like IBM, Worldcom, and Netscape would not be joining
forces if their goal were anything short of monumental.
I was skeptical, too, at first. But the more I investigated, the more I realized
that this is the rare, legitimate, dynamic opportunity that people, not long from
now, will look back to and lament that they missed. There is no doubt
that fortunes will be made as a result of deregulation and the explosive growth
of the telecommunications and internet industries. The only question is who will
be along for the ride. And it might not be for you. There are always reasons.
And if you've already gotten all the time freedom and all the money you've
always wanted, this opportunity is probably not for you. But clearly, if you
continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've
always gotten. Here's an opportunity to do something else, and just maybe
change your life in the process.
For more information email partners at
and leave your name and daytime and evening phone numbers and
the best time to call.
Serious inquiries only please.
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