With well over 80 million documents on the web today,
getting your Site noticed is a difficult process. Going to
each Search Engine, Link Page, Directory, and Newsgroup
to manually submit your page could realistically
take weeks to complete.
Announcing the Web Promotion Spider! Created specifically to
meet the needs of those who want their web pages to get
NOTICED and placed in the TOP of the Search Engines!
The Spider automates the process of submitting your site
and uses powerful technology to get your site listed in the
TOP positions.
We've developed the Web Promotion Spider for Windows 95
and NT. This amazing program automatically submits your
site to over 250 (the list grows daily) major search engines
and directories!
PLUS, the Web Promote Spider has an Expert HTML Reader
system inside. It will change certain contents of your html
text and automatically prepare needed information for online
registration in Search Engines to Optimize your pages and
get them listed on TOP.
Originally engineered for use by the professional advertising
industry, this program is easy and intuitive to use. Beginners
will be amazed at how simple it is to take complete control over
their search engines and index marketing efforts.
The Web Promotion Spider is an industrial strength marketing
tool and an extremely valuable part of any publicity campaign.
With this kind of power, it should come as no surprise that
many of our customers have even built profitable on-line
promotional businesses with this product and their existing
Internet connection!
With your payment of only $49.95 (standard version) you will
receive the current Web Promotion Spider program. Also, you
can have all the new upgrades FREE. Each upgrade will have
a list of new Internet Search Engines/Online Directories and,
of course, new features.
Plus, you get free upgrades which come out twice a month
with new features and new search engines. Register now
and you'll continue to get our upgrades, which keep the
program up-to-date and getting better and better! Now
submitting to 250+ search engines, free.
We are proud to announce that we now have two powerful
versions of the Web Promote Spider, our Standard Version
and our brand new Pro Version. Our Standard Version is
designed for those individuals who have one or two sites
that they want to be able to submit, and want to see dramatic
increases in their sites visibility.
Our Pro Version is designed for ISP's, Webmasters, Hosting
Providers, and anyone who has multiple sites they need to
promote thoroughly. While the standard version does track
all registration campaigns for you, it can still be somewhat
time intensive if you register several sites at once, or
on a regular basis.
You can see why the Web Promote Spider is taking the Net
by storm!
Professional Version:
While the standard version of this product seems to meet the
promotional needs of most of our customers, we also recognize
the need for an 'industrial strength' version of Web Promotion
The Professional Version is designed for ISP's, Webmasters,
Hosting Providers, and anyone who has multiple sites they need
to promote thoroughly. While the standard version tracks all
registration campaigns for you, it can still be time intensive if
you have to register several sites at once.
To make this easier and more efficient for our customers, we have
added several new features to the brand new Professional Version:
Deep Promotion - This feature will automatically explore every
internal link in your site, and develop registration information
for each page for you automatically. For instance, in the standard
version, if you have a 30 page site, you would have to run Web
Promote Spider thirty times, manually inputting each page into
the registration queue. In the professional version, this is
all automatic, and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Batch Processing - If you are responsible for registering or
maintaining several sites, you will find this feature particularly
useful. You can load in multiple sites, and set the program to
run all the sites at once, generating and saving a separate
registration report on each. This report can easily be copied
to the Windows clipboard for pasting into reports, email, etc.
Expanded Promotion Resources - While the standard version
of the Spider will submit to 250 registration resources this list
will continue to grow but not as quickly as what's being planned
on the professional version. The Pro Version currently has 400
and will soon have at least 1,000 automatic registration
If you're a previous owner of the Standard Version, the cost is
only $49.95 to upgrade! If you're a first time user and would like
to start using the Pro Version right away, the cost is $99.90.
To Order:
Order by fax or mail Visa or Mastercard
Fax: (425) 379-9722
Mail to: SYS
11014 19th Ave SE Suite 305
Everett, WA 98208
We will give you the address to download the program
or for an extra $10.00 we'll send your the program
on CD-Rom
Home Phone:___________________
Work Phone:____________________
__Standard Version $49.95
__Pro Version $99.90
__Upgrade $49.95 (From Standard to Pro, if you already
have the standard version)
___Send CD-Rom $10.00
___Provide download address..No Charge
Account number:_______________
Expiration Date:________________
I understand that all sales are final.