A graduate research assistant fellowship from the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is currently available to study the
molecular mechanisms of temperature signalling in plant-bacteria
interactions. We are seeking a highly motivated individual who wants to
work on protein-membrane interactions at the molecular level. A membrane
associated histidine protein kinase, CorS, will be studied using in
vitro lipid bilayer techniques (for more detailed information see
http://www.uni-marburg.de/mpi/ullrich/ullrich.htlm). The position will
be funded for a total of three years giving the successful candidate the
chance to acquire the PhD degree. The candidate should have an MS degree
in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, or a related
biomedical research field with excellent university certificates and
should not be older than 27 years. The Max Planck Institute for
terrestrial Microbiology is a well-funded research facility located in
Marburg, Germany.
Please forward your letter of application, CV, transcripts, and one
letter of recommendation to:
Dr. Matthias Ullrich
Max-Planck-Institut f=FCr terrestrische Mikrobiologie
35043 Marburg / Lahn
Fax: (+49) 6421 178 609
Phone: (+49) 6421 178 600
E-mail: ullrichm at mailer.uni-marburg.de
Deadline for receipt of applications is January 1, 1998