Genexpress-Genethon IMAGE clones unobtainable?

Mike Holloway Nospam at see.sig
Tue Mar 24 16:53:23 EST 1998

E-mail to Genethon at genexpress at genethon.fr (the address in sequence
annotation) seems to go into a black hole.  Can anyone give me a clue?  The
annotation does not have an IMAGE clone ID number, but a different letter
code that begins with c-*, and so the clone can't be identified by the ATCC
database.  This is true only of the Genethon ESTs.  I've been frustrated by
it several times now.  Is there a database somewhere for getting the IMAGE
number?  I've looked by Alta Vista, but nothing seems to be available.

Mike Holloway
mike.holloway at stjude.org

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