20th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Neurobiologists]

Gerardo Guerrrero gguerr1 at icarus.uic.edu
Wed Mar 18 16:35:32 EST 1998

Neurobiology Group  Dept of Biological Sciences


February 18, 1998

  Dear Colleague:

   We cordially invite you to attend the 20th Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Neurobiologists Friday, April 17 through Sunday, April 19, 1998
at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). We expect that
approximately 200 neuroscientists will come to our campus from
universities and colleges around the Midwest. The Department of
Biological Sciences at UIC is hosting the meeting.

    The scientific program will begin at 5:00 P.M. Friday, April 17 with
a poster session and dinner. Saturday, there will be slide
presentations, laboratory tours and equipment exhibits. Sunday will be a
symposium and this year's theme is "Chemosensory and Auditory
Transduction and Processing". We have invited Dr. Sue C. Kinnamon from
Colorado State University to speak on taste transduction, Dr. Jonathan
J. Art from the University of Illinois College of Medicine to speak on
auditory transduction, Dr. John T. Caprio from Louisiana State
University to speak on transduction and processing for olfaction, and
Dr. Donata Oertel from the University of Wisconsin to cover auditory
processing. Dinner Saturday night will feature Dr. Antony O. Stretton
from the University of Wisconsin.

By tradition, we design the nonprofit Midwest Neurobiologists meeting to
be affordable for graduate students and post-docs, and to provide a
format in which they are encouraged to present their work. On the social
side, we have arranged for entertainment Saturday night that reflects a
real Chicago art form. There will be a performance by Billy Branch And
The Sons of Blues - one of Chicago's strongest blues groups.
Registration fees cover registration materials (including a program with
printed abstracts) and all meals (dinner Friday; breakfast, lunch and
dinner Saturday; and breakfast Sunday). There are alternative
registration packages if you are from Chicago and cannot attend the
entire meeting.

Please fill out the pre-registration and abstract form and return it by
March 27, 1998. Registration forms can be found online @
http://www.uic.edu/~ccomer/midwest.html. Registration will also be
possible at the meeting. We have reserved a block of 50 rooms at The
Quality Inn, close to the UIC campus, at the rate of $79/$89 for a
single/double room  respectively. You must reserve a room by March 27 if
you want to guarantee a room at this rate. The hotel will release rooms
for the public after the 27th. The hotel telephone is 312-829-5000.

Please take this opportunity to present some of your work and/or help us
show off UIC.

We hope to see you in April. For the organizing committee:

Aixa Alfonso
Assistant Professor
aalfonso at uic.edu

Drs. A. Don Murphy, Aixa Alfonso, Chris Comer, Department of Biological
Sciences and the
Laboratory of Integrative Neurobiology (LIN); Dr. Paul Malchow,
Departments of Biological
Sciences, and of Ophthalmology, and LIN; Dr. Fred Prete, Department of
Biological Sciences, DePaul University.

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