Ecological expeditions to Baikal Lake for enthusiasts.

Yura cest at glasnet.ru
Wed Mar 18 01:18:34 EST 1998

During five years Ecological magazine "Eurasia - Nature and People" has
carried out summer expeditions round the world largest freshwater reservoir
- Lake Baikal. 
The expeditions seek for two main objectives. First - an environmental
monitoring of the lake's unique natural objects and adjacent territories.
Second - a better understanding of the lake nature and dissemination of the
ecologically-responsible and alternative to industrial ways development of
the region. The expeditions represent trips over Baikal and visits to the
most valuable natural sites. We shall try to observe changes taking place
with them and to define the possible reasons for their environmental
transformation. Carefully analyzed data received will be (together with the
report of expedition) published in "Eurasia - Nature and People" magazine.
The employees of Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences will
took active part in organization of the expedition.

The participation in the expedition means participation in its collective
financing as well.
This trip gives a rare opportunity to visit secret sites of one of the most
beautiful places of the Earth.

The expeditions are one the projects which is conducted with the help of
the Centre for Ecological and Scientific Tourism. 

All who is interested in having more information, please look at our
Internet home page <http://www.glasnet.ru/~cest/> or send the inquiries by
e-mail: <cest at glasnet.ru>

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