
hwcheng hwcheng at PUB.ONLINE.JN.SD.CN
Sun Mar 15 08:02:48 EST 1998

    help wanted

     I am a Biochemical professor in China. I am interested in the 
pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. I have some questions need to be 
discussed. I need also some help in my work.
     1) We hope to get a recombinant plasid DNA that can express the 
amyloid beta peptide or beta amyloid precursor protein C terminal peptide
for producing beta AP and making an animal model of brain amyloidosis.
     2) We want to use the method of neurocyte or cerebral thssue culture 
to do some research on Alzheimer's disease brain pathology, please 
introduce some strategy and protocol for that work.
     3) In correlation study of blood and cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) content (neuropeptide, enzyme, protein et al) that associated with 
Alzeimer's disease,we want to know which contents are likely valuable 
selection  for neurodegeneration.¡¡

    Cui Xing
    Dept. of Biochemistry
    Shandong Medical University
    Jinan, Shandong  250012



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