microalgae cultivation

Yap C. Y. cyyap at hkusua.hku.hk
Sat Mar 14 02:29:11 EST 1998

Final Announcement and Invitation to 
       A Regional Short Course on Microalgae Cultivation Technology
                    ( 29 June - 3 July 1998 )
      Microalgae are a great source of many highly valuable products
such as polyunsaturated fatty acids(EPA and DHA etc.),astaxanthin,
lutein, phycocyanin, bioactive compounds and health food. Microalgae can
generally be grown photoautotrophically in various pond systems and
photobioreactors. Many microalgae can be grown heterotrophically or
mixotrophically on organic substrates using conventional fermenters and
specialy designed bioreactors. In this course, participants will learn
basic concepts, principles and techniques involved in microalgal
biotechnology. For more details and registration form, please visit our
website: http://www.hku.hk/botany/MCT/index.html

Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Phycology
Department of Botany, The University of Hong Kong

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