Books on Science

leuba at unity.ncsu.edu leuba at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Mar 12 06:32:59 EST 1998

Atomic Energy by S. Glasstone
Manual of Pharmacology by Sollmann
Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds by Eliel
Synthetic Peptides by Pettit
The Red Cell by Harris and Kellermeyer
Physiology of the Digestive Tract by Davenport
RNA Phages by Zinder
Advances in Immunology ed. Dixon and Kunkel
Sulfur Bonding by Price and Oae
Sexuality and Genetics of Bacteria by Jacob and Wollman
The Character of Physical Law by Feynman
Modern Synthetic Reactions by House
Hormonal Proteins and Peptides by Li
Introduction to Logic by Copi
Mechanism and Structure in organic Chemistry by Gould
Microbiology by Pelczar and Reid
Optical Rotatory Power by Lowry
Renal Pathophysiology by Leaf and Cotran
Chemical Physics by Cooke (Printed 1886)
Most books in excellent condition and are hard cover.
$5 for "most" of the Hard covers and $3 for paper.
Call for more information Clyde: 919 772 7271 
email:leuba at unity.ncsu.edu

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