Conference in Bioinformatics

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schomburg D.Schomburg at uni-koeln.de
Wed Mar 11 04:33:10 EST 1998

GCB 98, Conference on Bioinformatics
German Conference on
GCB '98
Cologne University
October 7-10, 1998

              University of Cologne, Institute of Biochemistry
              German Society for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
              German Society for Computer Science (GI)
              German Society of Chemistry (GDCh)
              German Society for Chemical Apparatus, Chemical
              and Biotechnology (DECHEMA)
              German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and
              Epidemiology (GMDS)

The conference focuses on the following topics:
* Comprehensive Genome Analysis
* Comparative Genome Analysis
* Protein Structure and Function
* Drug and Protein Design
* Simulation of biological Molecules
* Gene and Target Discovery
* Sequence Data Analysis
* Sequence/Structure/Function Relations
* Evolution of Genomes
* Intelligent Biological Databases
* Software for Genome Analysis

D. Schomburg (U Koeln) Chair + U. Lessel (U Koeln)

T. Lengauer (GMD St. Augustin), W. Mewes (MIPS, Martinsried), D.
Schomburg (Univ. Koeln), M. Vingron (DKFZ Heidelberg), E. Wingender
(GBF, Braunschweig)

The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB-98) will present the state
of the art in Molecular Bioinformatics. It is an international
conference within the tradition of the German Workshop 'Computers in
Bioscience' created more than 10 years ago. GCB'98 focuses on the
bioinformatics support research in the modern molecular biosciences.
The conference will present the current research in the theory and
application of computational methods to genomic, sequence, and
structural information. The conference language is English.

Participation is invited from the scientific community active in the
development of concepts and applications to the evaluation of genomic
information, analysis and prediction of protein structure, and design of
drugs and proteins. Submissions in the form of full papers or extended
abstracts (ca. three pages) for lectures, or abstracts (1-2 pages) for
posters and demos should reflect recent work to be presented to an
audience of interested scientists and industrial researchers.

Selected papers and presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are
published in a special issue of CABIOS. The scientific committee will
evaluate submissions and recommend papers for publication in CABIOS.
These manuscripts are subject to the ordinary CABIOS review procedure (3

A special section for the demonstration of software in form of a plenary
session will adjourn the conference.

Full Papers should be 12 pages, single-spaced and set in 12 point type,
including title, abstract, figures, tables, and bibliography.
Submissions to be considered for CABIOS publication must follow authors
instructions of that journal. Poster and software demonstration
abstracts should be max. 2 pages. Postal and electronic mailing
addresses, telephone, and fax numbers must be included. Processing of
submissions is facilitated by sending postscript files via e-mail to
D.Schomburg at uni-koeln.de

The conference takes place in a beautiful historical place,
Kardinal-Schulte-Haus. The castle-like conference centre is surrounded
by a park and located at the outskirts of a hilly area near Cologne and
overlooking the city and its environment. Access from the Cologne main
station or international airports Koeln/Bonn or Duesseldorf  is
convenient (ca. 30 min. from Cologne central station). Accommodation is
provided in the conference centre or, after the rooms in the
Kardinal-Schulte-Haus are booked, in a nearby hotel. The number of
participants is limited to 200. Please make your reservation as soon as
possible. Speakers and presenters of accepted posters will have
preference, all other places will be given in order of the reception of
the registration.

For more, up-to-date information see our WWW Page:


for Abstracts or extended Abstracts: June 30.
for Registration August 31.



First Name:








Signature, if faxed

Please delete as appropriate:

  I would like to submit an abstract for consideration as a

  Please reserve accomodation for the nights of October 7/8/9/10 (delete
as appropriate)

in single/double room (preferred partner?)

  Full Registration:  DM 250

  Students:  DM 200

  I enclose a cheque/transfer the money before September 15th

GCB 98 Secretariate
Universitaet zu Koeln
Institut fuer Biochemie
Zuelpicher Strasse 47
50674 Koeln
FAX +49 221/470-5092
E-Mail: D.Schomburg at uni-koeln.de

Full accomodation includes rooms and meals for accomodation in the
conference centre. We will handle your reservation. Please do not make
advance payments for the accomodation.

Single Room:  DM 276 for 3 days
Double Room:  DM 228 for 3 days per person

For registration please send a cheque payable to:

GCB 98 Bioinformatics

For more information contact:
     Ms. Sullivan
     Tel.: +49 221/470 6440
     FAX : +49 221/470 5092
     e-mail: Sullivan at uni-koeln.de

Cologne is served by a number of international airports including
Cologne/Bonn, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt and even Amsterdam and Brussels.

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