New Online Journal on Bioinformatics

Edgar Wingender ewi at gbf.de
Mon Mar 9 12:17:58 EST 1998

The first articles of In Silico Biology (ISB) have been published.

In Silico Biology (ISB) is a new online journal appearing at

In an attempt to bridge the gap between experimental scientists and the
community of computational biologists, "In silico Biology" (ISB) has
been established now as an online journal from which a printed version
will be available as well, published by IOS Press, Amsterdam.

ISB will focus on publication of:
- biologically significant findings made using computational tools
 - new computational methods, preferably accompanied by specific,
biologically significant results
- systematic compilations of biologically relevant computational results

- evaluation of original experimental data with biocomputational tools
- WWW-online resources for experimental scientists
(See http://www.bioinfo.de/isb/topics.html for a more detailed list of
topics ISB will cover)

The basic idea is to promote the development of a more integrated view
of living systems, answering the question: What can we learn for biology
from this study? The computational method used may have been published
earlier, but its application onto a certain molecular / cellular system
should now provide some new insight into the way life is organizing

An international panel of known experts has been assembled for the
Editorial Board. All papers will be peer-reviewed. A publication time of
less than 2 months is intended.

E. Wingender, Braunschweig
(Editor-in Chief)

E. Koonin, Bethesda
(Associate Editor)

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