FREE WEBSITE + How to Make Money With It

Thu Mar 5 10:45:57 EST 1998

             **This is a Special Offer for a FREE Website. If you
             **are not interested in a FREE website, simply discard
             **this offer. If you would prefer not to receive any
             **more e-mail from us simply click on reply and put
             **REMOVE in the subject area. We will honor your request.

You have been selected to receive one of our FREE lifetime 5 page websites,
absolutely FREE (It really is FREE) and a special invitation to visit our 
Master Online Recruiting system, which could put your income in the top 1%
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duplicable system.

To get your FREE website, and/or review our system, send an e-mail request 
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the location and  simple instrutions for setting up your site and
reviewing our online recruiting system. Your FREE website comes with 
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You can use your website for any legal purpose (no pornography). It's easy
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Why are we giving away websites?  The answer is simple. At the bottom of
each site that we give away is an advertisement for a FREE LIFETIME 5 page
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It's a good deal for us and a good deal for you.  You get a FREE website
and we get additional traffic to our site. We both win. So don't go out an
buy a website when you can have one of ours for FREE.


RSM Marketing

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