PhD Studentship in Bioinformatics

Thomas Sicheritz Thomas.Sicheritz at molbio.uu.se
Wed Mar 4 06:43:57 EST 1998

PhD Studentship in Bioinformatics

A PhD studentship is immediately available at the Department
of Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden. The
Department of Molecular Biology comprises several different
groups working on genetic, kinetic and structural aspects of
molecular biology under the directorship of Professor C.G.
Kurland. The successful applicant will work in the area of
microbial genomics under the guidance of Dr. Siv Andersson. 
The project will be focused on the analysis of microbial
genomes from an evolutionary perspective and include
analysis of sequence information generated by the genome
sequencing team. The applicant is expected to participate in
the development of mathematical models, methods and software
for comparative analysis of completely sequenced microbial
genomes. The position requires undergraduate training in
molecular biology, informatics and/or mathematics.
Experience with UNIX systems is desirable.

Applications including the applicants curriculum vitae,
information about previous education and a short statement
about research interests should be sent to:

Dr. Siv Andersson
Department of Molecular Biology,
Box 590, Biomedical Center,
S-751 24 Uppsala
Tel: +46-18-471 43 79
FAX: +46-18-55 77 23
e-mail: Siv.Andersson at molbio.uu.se

Further information and informal enquiries may be made to
Dr. Siv Andersson.

Sicheritz Ponten Thomas E.  Department of Molecular Biology
Biomedical Center           Uppsala University
BMC:  +46 18 4714214        BOX 590 S-751 24 UPPSALA Sweden
Fax   +46 18  557723        http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas
Molecular Tcl:   http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas/tcl
Molecular Linux: http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas/mol_linux
	De Chelonian Mobile ... The Turtle Moves ...

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