
Richard P. Grant spam.blocked at delete.this.cmtech.co.uk
Wed Mar 4 06:21:46 EST 1998

Depends on your rotor.

g = 11.18r x (rpm/1000)^2

where r = radius of rotor in cm.


aaaaaaaaaaaaargh! wrote:
> can anyone help me with the following query. What is the equivelent in rpm
> of centrifuging a colloid for 30 minutes at 13000g. i would be very
> gratefull if anyone could help shed some light on this for me.
> thanx

Richard P. Grant MA DPhil  | Cambridge Molecular Technologies
Senior R&D Scientist       | rgrant at cmtech co uk
Tel: +44 1223 508345       | http://www.cmtech.co.uk/
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