Recruiting Papers for First International Disability Medicine Conference

changrong liu liucr at EMS.HRBMU.EDU.CN
Tue Mar 3 12:07:16 EST 1998

Recruiting Papers for First International Disability Medicine Conference

The disability medicine is a newly emerging subject. It includes the
prevention, research, diagnosis, treatment, rehabitation, and nursing of
all diseases causing by limbers and organs defects and severe
malfunction of limbers, organs and psychology, which result from various
factors of trauma and diseases. The wide contents of speciality include:
preventive medicine, clinical medicine and rehabitation medicine. The
disability medicine has just begun. In order to develop the academic
exchange of the disability medicine, improve the research level and
rehabitative level of the disability medicine, advance the development
of the disability medicine, so that we can serve the patients better,
serve the society better, we decided to hold "First International
Disability Medicine Conference" in the capital of China -Beijing on
August 8th, 1998. The meeting was co-organized by "The Chinese
Rehabitation Association for disability medicine" and " The house of
Journal of the disability medicine".
1. We recruit papers about:
a. Disease Prevention
b. The basic disease research 
c. Diagnosis, treatment, rehabitation and nursing of disease
d. The research and application of apparatus and artificial limbers
2. People who can attend the meeting include:
a. international administrative and technical staffs of disability
b. The leader of Chinese hygiene division, the leaders of Chinese
Rehabitation Association, the leaders, administrative staffs and
technical staffs working on the rehabitation of disabled patients in the
national and endemic disability association, red cross association and
political administrative office.
c. The technical staffs working on the prevention, research, medical
treatment and nursing of diseases (all clinical operative specialities:
osteology, brain surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, urinary surgery,
orthopedics of burn, general surgery, pediatrics surgery, ophthalmology,
otorhinol aryngology, stomatology, gynecology, tumorigenesis,
anesthetics, etc. Non-operative specialities: internal medicine,
neurology, psychiatry, etc.) , working on medical techniques (All
specialities of diagnosis), physical rehabitative therapy (physical
therapy, body therapy, acupuncture, massotherapy).
d. The leaders and technical staffs working on the treatment of
disability, rehabitative apparatus, research, exploitation and
application of artificial limb and artificial prosthesis.
3. Guide lines for papers:
a. The paper should be about 3,000 words, together with an abstract less
than 500 words. (If possible, the paper and the abstract should be
submitted with their corresponding English translation ) written on.
b. The accepted papers and abstracts of the meeting will be exchanged as
meeting materials at the meeting, the authors will be informed the
material fee by mail after the acceptance of the papers.
4. How to attend the meeting:
People can apply since we inform the meeting. People who want to attend
the meeting can mail their papers, the registration cards and fees for
reviewing papers (£¤30 per paper, papers without the fee will not be
reviewed) to Dr. Changrong Liu  -- Header of the Hei longjiang paralysis
institute in Harbin Medical University (Zip:150086). "papers for
meeting" should be marked on the down left side of the envelope. See the
definite time and place of the meeting on the formal information.

The Chinese rehabitation association for Disability Medicine
The house of Journal of disability medicine
December 8th, 1997

Guidelines for Abstracts and papers

The entire abstract should be about 500 words and paper should be typed
on a typewriter in black ink about 3000 words, must be submitted in

Papers will be received in May 31, 1998 (for acceptance in June 1998).
Send the original and two copies of the typed paper together with
completed submission form to :
International Disability Medicine Conference 
Dr. Changrong Liu
157 Bao jian Street
Harbin Medical University
Disability Medicine Editorial Staff Habin, 150086
P. R. China
Tel: +86-451-6669485
Fax: +86-451-6669470
E-mail: liucr at ems.hrbmu.edu.cn

International Disability Medicine Conference
August 8-12, 1998
Please print or type Clearly
First name:
Last name:
Tittle:                            Employer:
Business Address:
City:                      Country:                   Zip code:
Tel:                       Fax:                       E-mail:
International Disability Medicine conference 
Dr. Changrong Liu
157 Bao Jian Street
Harbin Medical University
Disability Medicine Editorial Staff
Harbin  150086  P. R. China

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