Please Donatge to Abonica's Family Improvement

Family Help root at localhost
Thu Jul 2 19:51:44 EST 1998

                    Please take a moment to help us help others
                          Abonica's Family Improvement Plan
    is supported by people like you.  Please donate any amount at all
    to a an organization that is truly dedicated to helping low income
    families to achieve financial independence.  We don't provide a
    pay check to them.  We've seen how that mistake can hurt us all.
    We provide low income housing that is part of a community, not an
    apartment complex that can sometimes lead to discrimination and
    continued poverty.  We accept low income families into our
    community and provide a plan of action that will allow them to
    achieve financial independence from within 1 to 3 years.  We
    insist that they complete specific tasks that are designed to
    pull them out of poverty.  

    Please send your donation to the care of Tammy Alexander at  
                                  Abonica Enterprises
                                  56 Essex St. Suite 2
                                  Lynn, MA. 01902-1711

It doesn't take much to help these people, but it does take something.

    Please send in your donation.

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