Disease Updates - 1/6 to...

Glen Quarnstrom geezer at nursing.home
Mon Jan 12 16:48:31 EST 1998

Marsha Hallett <liahona at execpc.com> wrote:

>Just think how many lives could have been saved if more people knew
>about Colloidal Silver. Not only can it stop infectious disease in the
>body, it can also purify water, and foods.

Yeah, right.

Lead can cure headaches, too.  I recommend at least .30 caliber,
however, to avoid expensive and embarrassing miscalculations.
glenq at cyberhighway.net

"afa-b's leading curmudgeon"
"Aged Revered Wizard of the AFA-B Bullies"

Sir Dr. Geezer, BsD - Sexagenarian Centurion
SKEP-TI-CULT® #100-433034-653.

...hangin' in #Geezer or #Skepticult when I'm on IRC.

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