Golf Getaway & Tournament

ericr at ADNI.NET ericr at ADNI.NET
Wed Aug 12 04:00:40 EST 1998

IMAGINE....a golf vacation with a few friends, reuniting
with some old school buddies, or entertaining your best 
client....we can make it happen!

FALL SPECIAL -Friday, Oct.9-Monday, 
Oct.12  Columbus Day Weekend!

It's not too late....limited space is still available to 
sign up for the "Spiciest Golf Getaway & Tournament in 
America!  Now in it's seventh year, this fun and exciting 
getaway will be held over Columbus Day Weekend in the 
"Golf  Capital of the World" - MYRTLE BEACH, SC.  
This event is designed to excite and please every golfer 
regardless of level of play. This 4 day vacation is loaded 
with a mix of the BEST COURSES, lodging, meals, parties, 
and of course....competition.  If needed, special discounted 
air and car can be added to the package.  They say, "Vacations 
are made of memories."  Assuredly, this golf event is one 
vacation you will not soon forget!  For a closer look at our 
agenda and to read the details of what we have in store - 
Visit our website....


Tired of the old "Bait and Switch?"

Will your boss give you a few more days vacation later in 
the year because the golf vacation you booked turned out 
to be a disaster?  Advertising sure looks good, however, 
there is a difference between perception and reality.  
Allow our 15 years experience, knowledge, and know-how 
give you the vacation you expect and deserve. 
Championship GOLF TOURS specializes in tailoring custom 
golf vacations at no additional cost to you.  In fact, you 
are assured of a quality golf experience each and every time!  
Call us today to tailor a package based on your preferences.  
There's a good reason why we remain as the "Number One Golf 
Packager in America."  Call us for a Free Quote and see the 
difference first hand.  TOLL FREE 1-800-475-2465  
or Visit our website - http://championshipgolf.com

nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina!

HURRY - We still have premium inventory available on the 
BEST COURSES at the BEST TIMES.  Are you looking to play more 
than 18 holes a day without paying full rate?  We have an 
afternoon program available to our customers that allows you 
to book premium courses 30 days in advance at better than 
50% off.  And the best part is, you never pay one cent more 
for our services.  Call today 1-800-475-2465 or Visit our website - 

ATTENTION  GROUP LEADERS....Isn't it time you sat back and enjoyed 
your golf vacation just like everyone else in your group rather 
than scrambling and working your tail off?  That's one reason 
why groups book with us year after year.  Let us show you how 
we can take the worry, stress, and work away from you and provide 
your group with a quality golf vacation.

SPRING BOOKS are open and filling fast!

With golf being "the fastest growing sport in America," more and 
more golfers are including golf vacations in their vacation plans.  
Avoid disappointment by booking your spring getaway now.  Very easy 
policies allow you to act now without risk or obligation.

http://championshipgolf.com           Email- golf at championshipgolf.com

TOLL FREE - 1-800-475-2465
Fax - 732-972-6462

Sent from: Golfpromo
2191 44th St SW, Naples, Fl. 34116
941-435-4652, golfads22 at hotmail.com
This text is placed here as stipulated in bill S. 1618 Title 3.
This is a Golfpromo Marketing promotion. We have made every effort to 
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Per Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, further 
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stopped at NO COST to you by repling to golfads22 at hotmail.com with the word "REMOVE" in the subject line. 

To expose your business to over 3 million golfers or other targeted groups, 
please email golfads22 at hotmail.com    

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