Six Secrets About The Major Long Distance Carriers
Dear Online User,
Are you confused by the advertising wars between
ATT, MCI, Sprint and over 600 smaller long
distance companies?
If you are, you're not alone. The "Big Three" have
many calling plans, each with different rules,
schedules, fees, and savings. All the companies, big
and small, often claim "x% savings" on your bill --
but you never know exactly what the percentage is
taken from. In the end, you simply have no idea
how much a given call will cost you.
What's the solution? Buy your long-distance by
the minute! And get the lowest per-minute price!
With TEL3, not only do you get no-nonsense flat
rates as low as 9.9 cents per minute (business
rates are as low as 6 cents per minute!), you also
get a 800/888 number with the same low rate for
only $1.50/month, a no-surcharge, flat-rate calling
card, billing with your local phone bill, and great
international rates!
Instead of paying billions for celebrity ad
campaigns, TEL3 pays you if you refer people and
businesses to TEL3! By building your own network
of people saving on their long distance calling, you
can earn monthly income!
How to sign up . . .
Signing up is easy. All you have to do is call one of
our customer representatives at TEL3's HOT-
LINE: 1-800-99-NETEL or 1-888-333-TEL3.
TEL3's friendly customer service department will
answer any questions you have. You need Your
Sponsors information:
Name:Cameron Jackson
Email address: mailto:doc934 at ipo.net
and you can sign up right away -- without any
paperwork. Call today . . .:
1-800-99-NETEL or 1-888-333-TEL3.
We can switch you over in just a few days and you
can start saving money immediately. You'll see
your phone bill drop shortly thereafter! Thanks for
your business!
Cameron Jackson
mailto:doc934 at ipo.net