Michael at Burp.CrayBBS.co.uk Michael_Burp_CrayBBS_co_uk at burp.craybbs.co.uk
Sun Dec 28 05:46:52 EST 1997

Hiya Iwan!

Tuesday December 23 1997 12:29, Iwan Lamble wrote to All:

 >> 2) C4 anybody?  Don't think it requires Oxygen

 IL> Channel 4 doesn't require oxygen?! That's news to me. How do they film
 IL> their shows then? In a vacuum?

Cool. People like un-twun from eurotrash would be running around with shrunken
heads and things.. ERr, that's a bit wierd. Anyway.. is there actually anything
about time travel ever in here?

                          ? Mike Randall ?
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                              E-Mail - Michael at burp.craybbs.co.uk

... @x:\t-mail\timed\tag.lin

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