Web Page Design ... Kami membuat Homepage

Maresa Nirwan mnirwan at haywire.csuhayward.edu
Fri Dec 19 02:54:43 EST 1997


Hello ...

If you've been wanting to make homepage but you don't know how, we have
the solution.

If you have a homepage but you are not satisfied with it and want to
revise it, we have a solution.

You don't have time to sit and taking care of your own homepage? Let us do
the work.

Are you too busy keeping your small business and don't have time to build
a homepage for your business and for your business' sake? Let us do the

Please visit us at 


Thank you
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25200 Santa Clara St. #254                    mnirwan at haywire.csuhayward.edu 
Hayward, CA, 94544. USA                                 mnirwan at hotmail.com
Ph. 510 732-5736                                            


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