RFD: Make bionet.general moderated

taguebw at wfu.edu taguebw at wfu.edu
Fri Sep 27 09:58:55 EST 1996

Cornelius Krasel wrote:
[with some snipping]

> I would volunteer for moderation. (At least around here b.general traffic
> seems manageable.) (Disclaimer: I have never before moderated a newsgroup.)
> Comments? (RFD means "Request for discussion".)

> --
> /* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */

As one who fires off letters to postmaster at ....., abuse at ....., 
mail at ..., etc for every commercial post that appears in 
bionet.general, I would welcome a moderator of this newsgroup!

My 2 electrons

Brian Tague
Department of Biology
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem NC 27109

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