Resume. Ph.D. position in Mol.Biol

Gratchev Alexei alexei at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 26 15:56:50 EST 1996

Dear Colleagues,
	I`m pleased to introduce my former collaborator Ella Samoylova. She
just finisched her Ph.D. and now looking for Ph.D. position in United
States, Canada or Europe.
	Here I inclosed her CV unfortunately it is not the last version. There
should be two or three more short communications, review on
papillomaviruses (submitted) and one or two more papers (also
	I will be happy to help everybody to communicate with Ella, because she
doesn`t have her own E-mail address. 
	If you need any additional information, please contact me and I’ll be
glad to help you.
	With best regards,

Alexei Gratchev

Abt. Gastroenterologie, AG Prof. Hanski,
Universitatklinikum Benjamin Franklin,
Hindenburgdamm 30,
12200 Berlin, GERMANY.
Tel: +49 030 8445-2496
E-mail: alexei at zedat.fu-berlin.de


NAME: Samoylova 		FIRST NAMES: Ella Vladimirovna

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: December, 31, 1961, Arkchangelsk, Russia.


1986 - M.Med. (Medicine)
1992 - M.D. (Physician)
1996 - Ph.D. (Experimental Oncology)

1980 - 1986 - student, State Medical Academy, Archangelsk, Russia.
1990 - 1992 - post-graduater-ordinator, Department of Hospital`s
Therapy, Arkhangelsk State Medical Academy, Russia (Therapy).
1992 - 1996 (V) - post-graduater, Dept. of Tumour Transforming Genes,
Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russia (Experimental oncology).

Diploma with high distiction from Archangelsk State Medical Academy.

1987 - doctor in turn, Municipal Hospital, Department of Faculty`s
Therapy, State Medical Academy, Arkhangelsk, Russia (Therapy).
1987 - 1990 - cardiologist, Department of cardiology in Regional
Hospital, Arkhangelsk, Russia.
1992 - 1996 (V) - post-graduater, Dept. of Tumour Transforming Genes,
Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russia (Experimental oncology).

RESULTS OF OWN RESEARCH were presented at the Conference: 
1994 - 2nd International Congress of Papillomavirus on Human Pathology,
Paris, France; at the 14 International Papillomavirus Conference,
Quebec, Canada, 1995; 

MAILING ADDRESS: Karl-Fischer-Weg 2, App.805, 12169 Berlin, Germany.


1.E.Samoylova, A.Gratchev, S.Petrov, G.Shaikhaiev. Consensus and type
specific amplification in studying of HPV infection in women with
cervical cancer in Russia. Book of Abstr. of 2nd Intern.Congress of
Papillomavirus in Human Pathology, Paris, France, 112, 1994.

2.E.Samoylova, G.Shaikhaiev, S.V.Petrov, N.Kisseljova and F.Kisseljov.
HPV infection in cervical cancer cases in Russia. International Journal
of Cancer, 1995, in press.

3.F.Kisseljov, E.Samoylova, L.Semjonova, V.Kozachenko, M.Kozachenko,
E.Makarov, N.Kisseljova. HPV infection in patients from Russia with
cervical lesions and tumors. 14 International Papillomavirus Conference,
Quebec, Canada, 1995.


Prof.Alexander G. Tatosyan
Dept. of Tumour Transforming Genes,
Cancer Research Centre, Kashirskoye sh., 24, Moscow, 115478, Russia.
Tel: (095) 324-1764
FAX: (095) 324-1205

Dr. Olga A.Mizenina
Dept. of Tumour Transforming Genes,
Cancer Research Centre, Kashirskoye sh., 24, Moscow,115478, Russia.
Tel: (095) 324-1764
FAX: (095) 324-1205

Dr. Oleg A.Pavlish, Ph.D.,
Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis,
Cancer Research Centre,
Kashirskoye sh., 24, Moscow,115478, Russia.
Tel: (095) 323-5755
FAX: (095) 324-1205

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