ANNOUNCE: Plasmid Processor software available for free!

Janne Saarela saarela at messi.uku.fi
Wed Sep 25 02:34:07 EST 1996


Plasmid Processor is a simple tool for plasmid presentation for scientific and
educational purposes. It features both circular and linear DNA, user
defined restriction sites, genes and multiple cloning site. In addition you 
can manipulate plasmid by inserting and deleting fragments. Created drawings 
can be copied to clipboard or saved to disk for later use. Printing from 
withing program is also supported. 

Plasmid Processor is freeware, so you can use and distribute it freely. 

You can download full executable version of Plasmid Processor 1.02 for Windows
(tm) at URL


( plasp102.zip (239k). )


Plasmid Processor program was created during a programming project course
organized by the Department of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics,
University of Kuopio, Finland 1995-1996. The program was made for the
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Kuopio, 
which owns the copyrights of the program. 

Programming team: T. Kivirauma, P. Oikari and J.Saarela.

For further information please contact the authors by e-mail, plasmid at uku.fi. 
Any comment on program is greatly appreciated. 

Janne Saarela
University of Kuopio, FINLAND
Email:   saarela at messi.uku.fi
WWW: http://www.uku.fi/~saarela/ 

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