***Biogenetic products Online

Giuliano Storti stor001 at pn.itnet.it
Sat Sep 21 18:40:01 EST 1996

Attention all subscribers,
        Our company deals in molecular biology products here in
Europe. We wish to establish contact with businesses/individuals
abroad who are in the position to buy and/or distribute our products.
We would like to draw your attention  to our Webpage, which displays
and explains in full the products we offer. It can be located at URL:

        In particular, we would like to point out our recombinant
polymerase, which is enjoying wide recognition throughout Europe for
its exceptional amplification qualities.  All of our products are of
the highest quality and our prices are extremely competitive.
        Please e-mail us if you need more information.


Giuliano Storti
David Walden
AMED italia srl
stor001 at pn.itnet.it

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