Your Name is on a mailing list

Keith Williams Keith at BIG.FISHNET.NET
Fri Sep 20 21:04:32 EST 1996

To Recipient ;

	*NOTICE* Your name is being distributed by a list broker who claims you might be a prospect for my goods or services.  For this reason I hope that you will be courteous about my unsolicited commercial offer,  for your courtesy , I am going to provide yo
u with the www address of the firm that sold me this list, so that you may have your name removed from it . Although I am not sure how you can have it removed.  I promise you that I will never contact you again, unless you request me to do so.

        1. I am offering all USA residents an opportunity to market a legal service plan full or part time through Pre-Paid Legal Services Ada, Ok. You can earn substantial income in a professional field by either doing direct sales or recruiting.  So if
 need affordable legal services to cover you and your family, or you would like to become a marketing associate , please feel free to visit my web page.  

 The Web Page can be accessed at :

http://www.silcom.com/~rkeithw   P.S. in some states we offer a small business plan .  You can email me at seddigh at fishnet.net for any additional questions or comments that you may have. 
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO ME TO REMOVE YOUR ADDRESS:  This is NOT neccesary as I will not contact you again, (EVER). If you received this email,  your name is already removed.  

If you want to keep your name from being distributed on this list, call 1-619-781-4133 ask for Michael, I do not have his email address, you may check out the validity of this number by going to his web site http://www.users.cts.com/sd/s/starr1/bulk1.htm
   this is the web site distributing the list with your name on it.

Thank you,  Keith

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