Mol Biol Lab Course

R. Rapley apx085 at coventry.ac.uk
Wed Sep 18 07:05:31 EST 1996


                           RNA Extraction & Analysis 

                               18  December  1996

                          PCR Methods & Applications
                               19  December  1996

                           Coventry University, UK

These are two one day laboratory based practical courses that may be
attended alone or as a two day course. They provide a basic
introduction into the extraction and characterisation of RNA and the
techniques and applications of the PCR.

The practical component is supplemented by seminars and demonstrations
in related topics such as ; Northern blotting, mRNA isolation, RPA & S1
mapping, rRNA isolation, cDNA synthesis & RT-PCR etc. for the RNA
course. For the PCR course, Microbe identification, probe preparation,
PCR cloning & sequencing and primer design will be among the topics.  

These introductory courses will be of interest to those initiating work
in these areas or wishing to update their knowledge.  Fees are GBP120
for each course inclusive of lunch, tea/coffee, course manuals. 
For attendance at both courses the fee is GBP200. 

Further Information and Registration forms:

           Conference Team,
           Commercial Development Unit,
           Coventry University,
           Priory Street,
           CV1 5FB
           United Kingdom. Tel. 01203 838144  Fax 01203 221396

Further technical information contact course organiser :

	Dr Ralph Rapley Tel. 0973 736749 or  01203 838144
        Fax.  01203 221396 email (Rapley at coventry.ac.uk)


 	Dr Ralph Rapley School of Natural Sciences
	Coventry University, Coventry,   CV1 5FB
	Tel.	01203 838659   Fax.   01203 838282
	email   rapley at Coventry.ac.uk 

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