Requesters for "Oxidative stress induces heat shock factor phosphorylation and HSF-dependent activation of yeast metallothionein gene transcription"

Xiao-Dong Liu wuji at UMICH.EDU
Wed Sep 18 12:21:47 EST 1996

Hello everyone.  This message is for people who have requested for reprints
of "Oxidative stress induces heat shock factor phosphorylation and
HSF-dependent activation of yeast metallothionein gene transcription", Liu
and Thiele, Genes. & Dev. (1996) V10:592-603.  Whether you have received
the reprints or not or have got it a few months ago, please reply this
message to me with just "yes /your name".  Thank you very much for doing
this, since I need a record of reprints requests for some documentation
very badly.

Xiao-Dong Liu

Xiao-Dong Liu                    * Tel: (313) 764-7514
University of Michigan           * Fax: (313) 763-4581
Dept. of Biological Chemistry    * wuji at umich.edu
Med. Sci. I, 1301 Catherine rd.  *
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606         *

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