Helicobacter pylori codon usage

Christopher Coward Path cc122 at mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
Tue Sep 17 07:26:42 EST 1996

Hello, does anyone out there have a codon usage table for H. pylori (or a
reference for one)?

Cheers in advance


Chris Coward                           | Tel: +44 1223 333545
University of Cambridge                | Fax: +44 1223 333334
Department of Pathology                | E-mail: cc122 at mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
Tennis Court Road, Cambridge.          |        (MIME compliant)
CB2 1QP                                |
PGP 2.6ui Key Fingerprint  F0 C2 D7 8F 23 DB 03 7E  EF 5D A3 15 BF 46 10 0A

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