ablebake at IX7.IX.NETCOM.COM ablebake at IX7.IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Sep 16 08:15:42 EST 1996


DID you know that the average INTERNET ACCESS BILL is $60/mo?

For $60/mo does your Internet Provider give you a Free Portable
Computer to use anywhere in the USA or Canada?

For $60/mo does your Internet Access Provider PAY YOU $100 for each
friend you refer to his service?

For $60/mo does your Internet Access Provider give you Unlimited
Access on his service?

For $60/mo can you access your Provider from any major city in USA &
Canada, and/or use a TOLL FREE NUMBER when there is no local dial up

OURS DOES ALL FOUR.  I bet you can only answer ONLY ONE of these FOUR
questions with a YES.

For more information on our Incredible Internet Access OFFER, you can
do TWO things.

1.  Dial my FAX ON DEMAND with a Fax Machine, or a Phone connected to
your fax line, Dial 1-703-904-7770 DOC# 376

Just dial up with a phone.  Listen to the prompts.  When prompted to
do so key in Doc# 376 on the telephone keypad.  Then, hit the MANUAL
RECEIVE BUTTON ON YOUR FAX MACHINE.  Don't hang up, the documents you
need are on the way to your fax machine.


2.  Call me at (408) 423-8580 - Mike Mathiesen, author of 'Marketing
on the Internet' in bookstores now from MAXIMUM PRESS.

I'll see that you get the documents by fax or snail mail.

Thank You  (PS, DO NOT reply to this email, I don't have time to read
them.  I'm busy signing up dozens of new subscribers each day.  For
more information please do one or all of the above.)

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