Story on Latino scientists

Myrna E. Watanabe mew at nyc.pipeline.com
Fri Sep 13 10:49:16 EST 1996

For a story on Latino scientists for The Scientist, I would like to
correspond with any scientists who identify themselves as Latino and who
would like to talk about their experiences (good, bad, indifferent) and/or
who know of organizations of Latino scientists.  I am especially interested
in corresponding with people in industry and academia.   
Please email, call, or fax me.  Please include address, telephone, and/or
fax numbers so I may reach you if Internet fails me.  My deadline is early
Thank you. 
Myrna E. Watanabe 
email: myrna.watanabe at execnet.com 
mew at nyc.pipeline.com 
Tel.: 914-968-7021  FAX: 914-376-7487 

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