High resolution NMR position (Europe)

Finn Drablos drablos at mr.sintef.no
Wed Sep 11 20:21:02 EST 1996


SINTEF UNIMED Biotech in Trondheim, Norway, is seeking a high resolution
NMR spectroscopist with a few years of post doctoral experience to
enter a group, focussed on Protein Engineering and structure - function
studies. The protein group is associated with the MR-Center which has a wide
range of NMR equipment, ranging from high resolution NMR (600 MHz) to
medical MRI with a focus on biomedical and biotechnological research
projects and Petrochemical applications. The protein group is involved in  EU
projects where protein structure - function studies are addressed. The
protein group is a local "center of excellence" together with a local
microbiology laboratory (UNIGEN).

The successful candidate is open minded, capable and interested in team work
aimed at providing answers to questions raised in our academic and
industrial projects. We expect the candidate to publish his or her results
whenever possible and thus maintain a competitive international scientific
level. We will provide a stimulating work environment, an attractive salary
and one of the most beautiful natural environments in the world.

For further information please contact

Prof. Steffen B. Petersen
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
phone: +47 73 590217
fax: +47 73 590220
email: steffen.petersen at unimed.sintef.no
www: http://www.mr.sintef.no/~sbp/


Finn Drablos                finn.drablos at unimed.sintef.no
SINTEF UNIMED Biotech       http://www.mr.sintef.no/
N-7034 TRONDHEIM            phone +47 73 59 02 18
NORWAY                      fax   +47 73 59 02 20

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