Enzyme assay for undergraduates

Todd Johnson TJOHNSON at scinet.weber.edu
Wed Sep 11 12:49:17 EST 1996

I am in the process of developing a Biochem lab for undergraduate
students and decided to look into a simple enzyme assay for kinetic
studies.  In the past, we have isolated LDH from rat liver tissue,
but this preparation requires paper work and approvals.  Moreover,
preparation of LDH consumes nearly 1.5 hr of lab time for anly one
section!  I was thinking about a simple crude B-galactosidase assay
from E-coli.  The activity of the enzyme could be compared with
preparations from LacZ- or nontransformed strains.

I was wondering if anyone out there has developed a simple enzyme
assay from bacteria or plants which would be appropriate for
undergraduate kinetic studies.  Please feel free to offer advice on
things to avoid.

Please E-mail me directly: this topic is probably not of general

Todd M. Johnson

Todd M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Chemistry Dept.
Weber State University

E-mail:  TJohnson at scinet.weber.edu


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