1 year Post Doc

gbga14 at ucdf.gla.ac.uk gbga14 at ucdf.gla.ac.uk
Mon Sep 9 18:44:23 EST 1996

Anyone interested in a one year position working on the genetic analysis 
of hypodermal function in C.elegans.  Position is funded by EU Network 
money, applicants need to be from an EU state other than UK.  For 
information on some of the developmental functions that we are interested 
in see EMBO J.  vol 15, 3633-3639.

This message is from:

Iain Johnstone
Wellcome Unit of Molecular Parasitology
University of Glasgow
Anderson College
56 Dumbarton Road
Glasgow G11 6NU

Tel: 44 141 339 8855 Ext 2000
Fax: 44 141 330 5422
email: i.johnstone at udcf.gla.ac.uk


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