digital image capture

Tom Moninger moninger at emiris.iaf.uiowa.edu
Mon Sep 9 10:09:49 EST 1996

Dave Pataky wrote:
> hey folks,
> we are looking into purchasing a system for capturing still images (up to
> 24 bit colour) from a fluorescence microscope to a computer.  we are
> interested in hearing what others have done to accomplish this,
> specifically what ccd's, image capture boards, and software that have
> worked well for you.  we are hoping to get as close to film resolution as
> is financially possible but welcome any suggestions you may have.  we have
> been using slide film in the past but usually end up scanning in the
> slides anyway.  e-mail or posting replies ok, thanks in advance,
> dave
> --
> Dave Pataky
> Dept of Zoology, UBC
> pataky at zoology.ubc.ca

I have had good luck with  the three-chip Optronics camera and a Matrox
Meteor frame grabber in a Gateway. 

Thomas Moninger   (moninger at emiris.iaf.uiowa.edu)
Central Microscopy Research Facility 
85 EMRB  University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242   319-335-8142 FAX 319-335-8049

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