At botton rung of humanity?..prisoner epistolary outreach

crw crw at loop.com
Sat Sep 7 16:20:16 EST 1996



With the tension of school and jobs surely ratcheting up, we are sending 
this announcement in hopes that some of you will be interested in 
participating in a prisoner-writing effort (i.e., by regular snail mail).

Thanks in advance for your concern and help.

**The PenPals-4-Prisoners Project**


Featured **HUMAN RIGHTS** Prisoner

There are many eager prisoners, including our special **HUMAN RIGHTS**
prisoner: an American who was arrested under suspect circumstances in a
European country...held for nearly 2 years  without trial, bail or
sentence...tried in a Kangaroo court...and then sentenced to almost 2
decades in prison.

He is looking forward to receiving letters, and to being able to write to
someone.  We will include in the profile and case notes that we send you, a
"primer" on fundamental differences in some European judicial systems.


RE: Writing To A Prisoner...?
    The benefits accrue at both ends


It means a lot to a prisoner to receive an occasional postcard or note of
encouragement from a well wisher "out there".

...Perhaps even more so when the charges have been trumped up, or even
falsified.  Or, when the prisoner is the victim of injustices or of excesses
of the criminal/justice system.

Negative frame of mind

The strain of trying to survive in an authoritarian prison environment --
subjected to frequently immense humiliation day in and day out, with no
clear end in sight -- can lead to thoughts of despair, even to thoughts of
worthlessness...and suicide.

It can be reassuring to a prisoner to know there is someone "out there" who
cares enough to pause and write.

If you are willing to help this effort, please write us and we will send you
the name of your "prisoner pal," including a personal profile and simple
instructions for writing.

There can be healing power in a postcard or in an exchange of letters.
Communicating may well help someone to get through another day.

This may seem like a little thing; but it can make a major difference in the
life of another human being.

Besides, the idea of "caring" and "doing" need not be oxymoronic...(smile)



c/o "PenPals-4-Prisoners Project"crw at loop.com


           C I V I L   R I G H T S   W O R L D   W A T C H
                      Amnesty & Human Rights
           E-Mail: "CIVIL RIGHTS WORLD WATCH"<crw at loop.com>


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