> Brad Brush (biomedic at wimsey.com) wrote:
> : We are looking for bibliograhpic software for our science references. We had
> : previously used PAPERBASE, a product from Wight Scientific in England. I was a DOS
> : program originating in the mid 1980s. It was a fast and simple program that
> : prompted you for entry of authors last names and initials, article, journal, year,
> : etc. It's one outstanding point is that when it came to output, it had a large list
> : of periodicals that it could output your list into, automatically changing the
> : order authors, pages etc. It also had a customization option for those esoteric
> : journals. However, this may not be appropriate any longer.
>> : We need a program that does all the above, and are looking in addition, for one
> : that is Windows based, and (wishfully) can also download references from the
> : leading online science reference sources, i.e. Medline, Current Contents,
> : Biological Abstracts, etc. Of course it must offer the variable output mentioned
> : above that PAPERBASE had. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I'd like to put in plug for my personal favorite bibliograhic software, Papyrus, from
Research Design Software. Very inexpensive (used to be less that $100), works well with
Windows and now with Macs, too. You don't need separate modules for importing, either!
Supports lots of formats, both for importing and exporting. Their website:
Not affiliated with RSD, just a happy Papyrus user.
John Watson
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
watson_j at bms.com
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."