The memory of water...

Alexander Berezin berezin at MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA
Tue Sep 3 20:20:16 EST 1996

On 3 Sep 1996, Carlisle Landel wrote:

> In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.960903132945.25253A-100000 at mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca>,
> Alexander Berezin <berezin at MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA> wrote:
> >
> >Re: Benveniste experiments and homeopathy.
> >
> [snip]
> >
> >But many who follow this controvercy, still held the
> >view that the case is neither decisively proven nor 
> >disproven but rests in limbo. This is a tabu research
> >almost nobody wants to touch because it may upset the
> >existing power structure. With the present peer review 
> >
> Bullshit.  There is nothing in the world stopping you
> from ordering the reagents and doing this experiment
> over yourself.  Or doing a similar experiment.

Precisely. That's why people like Rostum Roy
are arguing that funding of science should be
stoped (scrap NIH, NSF, etc). Then (as you
say) nothing will stop anyone from 'ordering reagents
and doing any experiments' he/she wants (take
loan in a bank). At least all be in the same 
boat, accessebility will increase to the entire
populus and science will flourish. Than we know
the answer to the Benveniste experiment quickly. 

> I myself am not going to bother, however, because
> until somebody postulates some plausible mechanism
> by which "water memory" occurs, I'll spend my limited
> time doing something else.

That's fine, have no problem that you don't want
to bother yourself ... until SOMEBODY (who ?!)
postulates a mechanism for you. If this is your
overall research strategy, than take my sympathy,
with such views only a miracle can get you
anywhere far in science. (how far Faraday/Newton/
Darwin would go should they be waiting 'somebody'  
postulate mechanisms for them).

> People are not afraid to upset your vaunted "power structure",
> either--look how many people tried to get desktop fusion to work.
> Go do the experiment, then let's talk.

Same to you

> Carlisle

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