I tried to find a news group covering emryonic development or mice (or
both) because I need some advice. So far I haven't been lucky, that's why
I'm posting this here.
Question 1:
Does anybody know of a news group about development of mouse
preimplantation embryos?
Question 2:
I went through the full group list of my server and also searched in
various news.* groups for info about a group that would related to the
topic mentioned in Q1. Where else should I have looked.
Question 3:
I need to see the border of the nucleus in unstained live cells. I found
that in two cell embryos of B6C3F1 mice the nucleus is not as clearly
visible with phase contrast or bright field microscopy as in NMRI mice.
Does anybody know about the visibility of the nucleus in other strains?
Thank you for your help.
Roger C. Leemann
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
++41 (56) 310 3792