New GDB Roles

Patricia A. Foster pfoster at gdb.org
Thu Aug 29 15:10:23 EST 1996

Fasman and Letovsky to Assume New GDB Roles

Effective September 1, Ken Fasman will become Director of Research and
Development for the Genome Database. He will be based at the Whitehead
Institute for Biomedical Research/MIT Center for Genome Research in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. While at the center, Dr. Fasman will focus on
long-range design issues, particularly the integration of mapping and
sequencing data. Dr. Fasman's move presents an
excellent opportunity for GDB to benefit from an active collaboration
with a major center for human genome mapping and sequencing. 

Stan Letovsky, currently Deputy Director of Informatics, will take over
Informatics Director for GDB. Dr. Letovsky has done pioneering research
on software to integrate databases into the World Wide Web, as well as
on methods for integrating different sources of genome mapping data. As
Informatics Director he will focus initially on extending GDB with gene
function information, and on supporting enhanced queries that combine
positional and functional constraints.

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