Science Teaching Newsgroups?!?!?!?!?!?!

Alan Kaiser alkaiser at er3.rutgers.edu
Wed Sep 14 17:31:08 EST 1994

I was wondering if anyone knows of newsgroups or mailing lists that
are directed to teaching of science. I am looking for new teaching
styles, the use of computers in teaching etc, etc. Although items
concerning the biological sciences at the university level would be
most helpful, I'm sure that much of the information at a source such
as this would be useful to individuals teaching in any science. If no
such source is available, perhaps this might be a choise for another
bionet newsgroup. Any input on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Alan Kaiser			alkaiser at eden.rutgers.edu
Graduate Program in Micorbiology and Molecular Genetics
Rutgers University               New Brunswick,NJ

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