In article <ashok.231.727063702 at> ashok at (Ashok Aiyar) writes:
>In article <1993Jan15.004528.12065 at> samodena at (S. A. Modena) writes:
>>>And why not? Have you become the network-police/arbitor of "appropriate
>>material?" :^) The Bill of Rights, accepted in 1791, begins with:
>>"Amendment I: The Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of
>>speech, or of the press;..."
>>You clearly have no concept of newsgroup charters. The reason for creating
>specific newsgroups is so that a reader will not have to wade through lots of
>material that doesn't belong in a particular group.
>........[ETC ETC ETC].....
>............................. Those people are spending real money for
>the telephone connections which are sometimes long-distance calls. ....
..........[ETC ETC ETC].....
> Ashok Aiyar
If you were really so concerned, then your self-contradictory reply would
not have been posted to the InterNet...only to run up those UUCP long
distance charges farther. ;^)
Ashok received a more extended reply from me privately. :^) [Unless
of course, there is a "Reply-To: bionet.general" line on that email, in which
case you all will be treated to it.]
| In person: Steve Modena AB4EL |
| On phone: (919) 515-5328 |
| At e-mail: nmodena at |
|samodena at |
| [ either email address is read each day ] |
| By snail: Crop Sci Dept, Box 7620, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695 |
Lighten UP! It's just a computer doing that to you. (c)